Signaterre Environnement is a treatment centre as well as a secure landfill for contaminated soil.
Quebec laws and regulations require that soils be managed in a controlled environment when they are above a regulated level of contamination (Schedule 1).
Signaterre Environnement is a management site for contaminated soil, authorized by the Minister of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Changes (MEFCC). The soils are treated and reused
when the level of contamination allows. Soils that are affected by untreatable contaminations are buried in maximum security cells. Soils above schedule 1 are treated for their specific
contaminants until regulated limit is achieved.
I want to know more on the safety aspect!
Signaterre Environnement offers a personalized service by an experienced team in the management of contaminated soils. Over 25 years of experience.
Signaterre Environnement offers is the contaminated soil management site offering the widest range of services in Quebec. In the vast majority of projects, Signaterre Environnement has solutions to manage all your soils.
signaterre environnement operates according to the regulation respecting the burial of contaminated soil and in the interest of protecting the environment.
Signaterre Environnement © / All rights reserved.